From Right to the Left

From Right to the Left – série objektů v instalaci, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Izrael 2014.

Hebrejsky se píše zprava doleva. Je to starobylý jazyk s bohatou minulostí. I já se vracím do minulosti a inspiraci pro objekty, které jsou součástí instalace, hledám v době československé „normalizace“. Vytvářím volné variace, nechávám je balancovat mezi politickou přítomností a minulostí – zprava doleva.

From Right to the Left – a series of objects in an installation, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Israel 2014.

Hebrew script is written from right to left. It is an ancient language with a rich history. I, too, turn to the past, and find inspiration for the objects which form this installation in the era of normalization in Czechoslovakia. I create free variations, I leave them poised between the political present and the past – from right to left.